Sometimes Cinema4D is changing and you have to search for old and new features.
Some icons vanish or the simulation structures get`s updated.
This ist a short documentation to remember some changes.
Simple notes and setups to find a solution to realize your ideas.
Update Documentation:
Where can i find the Hair Dynamics & Constraint inside Cinema4D 2023?
How can i connect Spline Dynamics with RopeBelt inside 2023?
Where can i find the Hair Dynamics + Constraint inside Cinema4D 2023?
Inside Cinema25 the dynamics were inside Hair Tags/Spline dynamics.
Maxon moved it with new name Rope to > Simulations Tags / Rope.
The Constraint Tag is now called > Simulation Tags / Connector
Download: Cinema4D 2023 Rope Setup
How can i connect Spline Dynamics inside 2023?
Connect your Spline with RopeBelt to a Null to control your rope.